‘JENGA’. It’s one of the things we do.
Did you know that ‘Jenga’ is derived from the Swahili word ‘Kujenga’, which means ‘to build’?
Jenga represents more than just a tower of building blocks. At Pendo school, our goal is to transform Pendo school- Kenya into a modern early childhood education school, which will continue to be used as a center of excellence to benchmark our network of schools through our social franchise model. The JENGA Cause is one of our BIG & Bold visions.
The facility will not only provide more space for our increasing pupil population, but will also provide a space for training, and displaying best practices for quality education. We shall also leverage this facility to pilot new innovations, engage with the broader community,
Help us buy ‘Jenga’ bricks by joining our monthly JENGA Givers!